June 30, 2009

June 21, 2009
Vacation Observations
I spent this past week in
Since when did really fat people start to ride those motorized wheelchairs normally reserved for old people? If you're 30 years old and so fat that you can't walk, maybe visiting theme parks should be a little lower on your priority list and losing a hundred pound or so a little higher. Just a suggestion. Letting people ride around and never have to walk is just giving them a license to be as fat as they want with less of the consequences. At least old people are considerate when driving their scooters.
At the same time, people with strollers aren’t much better. They start and stop walking without warning and cut others off left and right. People should really think twice about where they take their really young kids. Do you think that you have to push your two year old child on a hundred degree day through large crowds? The kid isn’t going to enjoy where ever you’re taking them and it’s not like they’re going to remember it anyway. All you’re going to do is punish yourself by having to lug the stroller around all day and irritate the people who have to walk around you.
When I went to Disney World when I was around seven years old, my family had a late dinner reservation at the restaurant in the castle at the